Wednesday Nights
The Disciple's Pathway: We host a series of adult Bible studies on a rotating basis, often meeting in the fellowship hall. This fall, the pastor's Bible study (through the Bible) meets in the Fellowship Hall. We also have groups for men and for women.
Skills for Life
Throughout the year, we offer special training like stewardship, first aid certification, and more. These opportunities will be noted on our calendar.
The Heart of Our Adult Ministry
While we work hard to provide quality learning opportunities for special topics, the heart of our ministry for adults is our ongoing ministries--both that you participate in and that you lead in. Perhaps you want to learn more about our small group Bible studies? or our recreation groups?
But just as important, we want you to be serving from your SHAPE, participating in missions, and being a mentor to someone in our church. Eventually, we realize that the next step in our Christian growth is not about what we can learn, but about what we can do. Look through the ministries on our site and then let us know how you want to get involved!