Come to Jesus
Come to Worship
Join First Baptist Church
Come to Christ in worship . . .
We want all people to come to Jesus for salvation and then consider joining First Baptist Church. Then, we want all of our members to
Gather weekly for worship with God's family at FBC.
Spend time daily worshiping God at home.
Connect with our church as a member.
Your First Step: Becoming a Christian
Before anyone needs to worry about coming to First Baptist Church for membership, we want to make sure that you have come to Jesus for salvation. Joining a church is important, and it is a part of God's plan for every Christian, but being a church member won't get anyone into heaven. If you aren't sure that you're a Christian, please stop here and click on this link to find out more about Jesus.
Your Next Step: Being Baptized
Baptism is a public profession of your faith in Jesus. In the Bible, after people put their faith in Jesus, they would be baptized in water by immersion--symbolizing the death and resurrection of Jesus--and then accepted into the fellowship of believers (the church of that day). We believe that is still the pattern today. If you have never been baptized by immersion as a symbol of your faith, then we invite you to learn more. If you have, you don't have to be baptized again to join First Baptist Church.
Your Last Step: Becoming a Member
If you're a Christian and you've been baptized and you believe that God wants you to put down roots at First Baptist Church, we would love to get to know you and answer any questions you have about us. Typically, the path toward membership involves
Setting up a meeting with the pastor | Attending a Next Steps Lunch
There, you can talk about the specifics of becoming a church member.

Join Us Weekly in Worship
We take our worship services very seriously, and we strive to ensure that every week we offer everyone in attendance a meaningful opportunity to worship God. Our Sunday mornings are a celebration of our hope in Jesus, and we express that in a wide range of musical styles and instruments. There is always a focus on Scripture reading and prayer as well as a powerful message from God's Word designed to inspire and challenge everyone who listens. Don't worry about what to wear--some members wear suits, some wear shorts. Don't worry about where to go--we have a greeter at every door to point you the way.

Worship Christ Daily - Individually and with your Family
If you've ever taken lessons, you know that they're only as effective as the time you spend practicing between lessons. So it is with our relationship with God! If we only crack open our Bible when we're on campus, we will never grow as we should. We want you to develop the core spiritual disciplines and help your family do the same. The ones we highlight as a church are worship, Bible study, and prayer.
Need help or ideas doing these things with your family? Check out our Faith at Home page. Or visit our About the Bible page. Or continue on our path from Come to Grow.