Faith at Home Starts with You
Our Faith @ Home center exists to help families become intentional in building a God-honoring home, one step at a time. No matter one's stage in life, family size or make up, Faith @ Home is for you!
Faith @ Home offers "Pointers" (brochures) with topics that provide biblical perspective on common family situations and life stages, along with a list of recommended resources and opportunities. We also offer "Recipe Cards" (activity suggestions) designed to give practical ideas for bringing faith home with family togetherness. Take advantage of the free resources available on this web page or visit the Faith @ Home Center at First Baptist Church in the Atrium beside the main stairway.

How Do I Get Started?
Step 1: Complete a Family Assessment. Being honest with where you are will help you know what kind of help or advice you need.
Step 2: Read the "Life Stages" and "Pointers" resources that you've identified as most important to you. (Keep scrolling)
Step 3: Try some "Recipe Cards" for creative ideas you can implement immediately in your home. (Keep scrolling)
Life Stages
Life Situations
The Most Difficult of Life Situations
The loss of a loved one can take a lot of time and a lot of support to navigate. To ease the logistics, our church offers to provide a meal to family members before or after a funeral we host. And we found out that Hampton Inn offers a bereavement rate to family members traveling from out-of-town. Use the link below if that would be helpful to you and your family.