Inside: Bibles to First Graders, Lemonade, Spark Conference, Big Breakfast, Deacon Orientation, Lord's Supper, and Preschool Update.
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Bibles to First Graders
We will be giving Bibles to our rising first graders this Sunday, August 8, during worship.

Spark Conference
Thursday, August 12
Join us in the Fellowship Hall to watch live!
9:00 AM-Casting Crowns
9:30 AM-Speaker Tony Evans
11:15 AM– Speaker David Kinnaman
12:30 PM– Speaker Ben Mandrell
2:30 PM– Charles Lowery

We are all coming out of a lemon period in our lives and it’s time for the women of First Baptist to come together for a time of fellowship, fun, Bible study, and complete a craft project. The Women’s Ministry Team has planned a two-hour slot for this on Saturday, August 21, from 10:00 AM to noon. Come and enjoy two hours of Lemonade andinvite a friend to join you!The registration deadline is Sunday, August 8. This is a FREE event!

Big Breakfast
Sunday, August 29
9:00 AM
Fellowship Hall

Deacon Orientation Monday, August 9 7:00 PM Fellowship Hall
All the men who were nominated on Sunday, August 1 are encouraged to attend Deacon Orientation on Monday, August 9, 2021, at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. During this orientation meeting, we will review The Purpose Statement of the Deacons, The Deacon Covenant, The Tasks of the Deacons, The Qualifications of a Deacon, and The Duties of a Deacon in the First Baptist Church.

Lord's Supper
Sunday, August 15
We will use prepackaged elements.
A benevolent offering will be received.

Help us spread the word! We are very close to being able to open a second 4-year-old classroom for the 2021-2022 school year. We would love the opportunity to minister to more families in our community. Registration packets are available online at or in the church office Monday-Friday.

Monthly Ministry Donation
Backpacks (Empty)
Any age, grade, or gender
Please place your donations in the blue bin in the atrium.

We’ve been “walking with Jesus through Mark,” but what does it take to walk with Jesus through life, in this world, as His followers? In this week’s passage we discover not only what it means for Jesus to be the Christ, but what it means for us to follow Him as His disciples.