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Ephesus -- Overcoming Spiritual Stagnation

Writer: David LambertDavid Lambert

I used to do a lot of hiking when I was younger and living in Tennessee, where there's easy access to some beautiful and challenging hikes. One of the greatest struggles about hiking is pressing through periods of fatigue, soreness, or stiffness--especially if it's been a while since you last hit the trail. In those moments, each movement requires utmost focus and a reminder of the payoff at the end: a refreshing waterfall or an epic view! The better your equipment (especially your foot gear) and the better you stick to the trail, the easier the journey. But you'll always have those extra steep or treacherous parts of the trail that you have to push through and overcome—much like our Christian walk. When we have those times where we feel overwhelmed, tired, or stuck, we need to remember where our journey ends--which is where it begins: with our first love, Jesus.

Scripture Reading: Revelation 2:5-6

The path to overcoming is not through our strength or wisdom, but by returning to our first love. This means constantly realigning ourselves with Christ and His teachings, thereby ensuring that our spiritual practices are driven by love and devotion rather than habit or obligation.

The idea of "overcoming" in Scripture often refers to enduring faithfulness amid trials by clinging to Jesus. For the Ephesians, returning to their first love meant realigning their priorities and affections towards Christ. For us, it involves daily choices to embrace the Gospel's simplicity and transforming power—choosing Jesus over every distraction or false priority.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What does "overcoming" look like in your personal spiritual journey? How does it relate to returning to your first love?

  2. Identify one area where you feel stuck, overwhelmed, or challenged to prioritize your relationship with Jesus. What steps can you take to address this?

Prayer Prompt: Lord Jesus, empower us to overcome the distractions and temptations, or the times of fatigue and weariness by keeping our focus firmly on You. Renew in us a steadfast spirit that seeks You above all else.


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