Inside: He is risen! Hallelujah! Learn more about our Holy Week schedule (M/T/W lunches, Th/F/Su worship), our community Spring Extravaganza on April 29, an update on David, a celebration of Cornerstone Preschool and Upward Basketball, and a senior adult trip to Hillcrest Farms on April 18! And plenty more...

Post-Press Update: After we had finalized this month's newsletter, our church hosted the KBA WMU Spring Inspirational dinner. What I love about digital newsletters is being able to just add anything after the fact -- this dinner was absolutely inspirational (we may have a chance to share more about the two ministries who presented), very well-attended, and there was lots of great food. Just know that there are Christians on the front lines of tough ministry here in the CSRA, and we are proud to be on their team.
You can always find past newsletters on our website.
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God bless you! fbct