Inside: Register for Worship, Virtual VBS, Grad Sunday, Father's Day, Blood Drive, West Virginia, CPR, and Nursery.

Help us spread the word about Concrete & Cranes Virtual VBS on June 22-26! We'll provide a kit of materials (lessons, crafts, and music) to use at home and we will post a video each day online. Kits will be passed out starting tomorrow, Friday, June 19, from 4-6 PM; Saturday, June 20, from 10 AM-Noon; and Sunday, June 21, from 12-1 PM underneath the portico. We are so excited to be able to provide an amazing opportunity for parents/guardians to intentionally instill faith at home through VBS.

Let us know you are coming! We need you to register for worship if you plan on attending in person. You can register online at or you can call the church office to make a reservation. This will help us plan more effectively and have enough overflow seating set up in the Fellowship Hall if necessary. We will continue to offer online services via live-streaming if you are unable to attend or don't feel comfortable attending in-person services yet. We look forward to worshiping in person and continuing to worship online with you!

Be sure to join us in worship (in person or online) and invite your dad on June 21. On Father’s Day, we will also recognize the Mothers who missed out this past month!

Shepeard Community Blood Drive
Donate blood and help our community!
Thursday, June 25
11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Fellowship Hall
Join us for Taco Tuesday on Thursday!
Each donor will receive a Shepeard special edition Taco Tuesday t-shirt.
Each donor will receive a coupon to redeem for 2 tacos and chips from Diablos.
Diablos Food Truck will be on-site (in the parking lot) from 4:00 – 6:00 PM serving hot tacos!

Church members who are high school, college, grad school, and doctorate graduates, please contact the church office with info and please send a graduate headshot photo for the Graduate Sunday service on June 28. Send any info or photos to Again, congratulations to all our graduates and families! We are looking forward to celebrating your accomplishments together!

The nursery will be available to those who preregister beginning on Sunday, June 28. We ask that you register by Friday, June 26 so that we can plan accordingly.

CPR Training
Tuesday, July 7
Cost: $20
Please call the church office to register.

KBA West Virginia Mission Trip
July 11-17
The KBA is in need of someone to lead a VBS team for the upcoming West Virginia Mission Trip.

Help us spread the word about our wonderful preschool ministry! Cornerstone Preschool Registration for the 2020-2021 school year is still open! You can mail in your applications or drop them by the church. Our preschool director, Kori Langham, is available to answer any questions you may have.
Download forms here

While we are in uncertain financial times, it is as important as ever for us to trust in God’s providential care and to give so that the Kingdom’s work can continue. We are still doing ministry, supporting missions, helping with disaster relief, and we still have bills and staff to pay. We encourage you to mail or drop by the church office your tithe and gifts. We also have online giving available on our website and via the Realm Connect app.

As we celebrate Fathers (and Mothers) this Sunday, we discover in Ephesians 6 what it takes to be faithful in parenting our children in the ways of Christ.
Join us in person, listen on WTHO 101.7 FM, or watch our live-stream online.