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Revelation 1 -- The Light of Revelation

Updated: Sep 23

Imagine you are on a journey across a dark and stormy sea, struggling to find your way. In the distance, you see the faint glow of a lighthouse, its beam of light piercing through the darkness, guiding you safely to shore.

Just as the lighthouse reveals the way to safety, Jesus' revelation is the light that guides us through the storms and uncertainties of life. His light not only shows us the way but also uncovers hidden dangers, helping us navigate the challenges we face. Without His light, we would remain lost in the darkness, unsure of where to go or what lies ahead. But with Jesus guiding us, we can move forward with confidence, trusting that He is leading us to a safe harbor.


Scripture Reading: Revelation 1:1--The revelation [Apokalypsis] of Jesus Christ that God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John... (CSB).

The term "apocalypse" has been distorted in popular culture to mean a catastrophic destruction. However, the biblical meaning is quite different. "Apocalypse" or "revelation" refers to the unveiling of what was once hidden. This opening chapter of Revelation sets the stage for a profound unveiling of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World. In John 1, Jesus is called the "light and life of men," a light shining into a darkness that cannot overcome it. The end of the Christmas season, known as Epiphany, reminds us that Jesus came to reveal God's redemptive mission, not just to the Jews but to all humanity. This Light is meant to guide us, much like the star led the Wise Men to the infant Jesus.

Take a few moments to reflect and consider what Jesus is revealing to you. Just as He unveiled Himself to John in a dramatic vision, He desires to pull back the curtain in our lives, revealing truth, exposing sin, and guiding us forward through the light of His Holy Word. This light is not meant to be hidden but followed, as the Wise Men followed the star. It’s a light that brings hope, clarity, and direction.

In the coming months, I'll be posting a weekly devotional on the first three chapters of Revelation, which is a collection of messages from Jesus to seven churches in Asia Minor. Through these "letters to the churches" from Jesus Himself, we can discover what He is saying to Believers and Churches today.

Reflection Question: What might Jesus be trying to unveil in your life today? Are there areas where you need His light to shine more brightly?

Consider how Jesus, like a lighthouse, shines His light into the dark areas of your life, revealing truth and guiding your steps. Where do you need His light to shine more brightly?

Prayer Prompt: Lord Jesus, You are the Light of the World. Reveal to me the areas in my life where I need Your guidance. Help me to follow Your light with faith and obedience. Illuminate the path before me, that I may walk in Your truth. Amen.

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