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September 16 - Happening This Week

Writer: mwwmww

Updated: Nov 2, 2021

Inside: Preschool, Gatlinburg Trip, Labor Day, Haircut-a-thon, and OneDay FunDay

This is a copied-and-pasted version of our weekly email. If you would like to receive this information by email, please use the "Subscribe" button in the bottom menu.


Help us to welcome our newest members! Pray for the Harris family and the Turnbull family as they grow in their relationship with God and as they find a place of service in our church.


Week of Prayer 9/12-19

FBC Goal: $3,200

Received: $1,457

The Mission Georgia Offering is an annual emphasis that supports the ministries, missions, and evangelism work of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board. Please pray with us for the work being done by Georgia Baptists and consider donating above and beyond your normal tithe to our Mission Georgia Offering!


See You at the Pole is a nationally recognized time for students to gather and pray on school campuses. The date is set for Wednesday, September 22, at 7:00 AM. Some schools may have a separate date or meeting time depending on Covid levels and protocol, but the important thing to remember is that this is a focused time of prayer for students, teachers, and faculty no matter the circumstances. In fact, the Global Week of Student Prayer is next week, from September 19-25. I encourage you to remember to pray for students, teachers, and school leaders during this time. Pray especially for continued health and safety. Also, do not forget to pray for Christian children, teenagers, and adults that are in the hallways, classrooms, and ballfields. Pray the light of Jesus will shine brightly through them!


Church T-Shirts Available Soon!

We will take pre-orders on 9/12 and 9/19 in the atrium.

All sizes $20



Our church has an incredible opportunity to minister to and appreciate foster care families and children at a OneDay, FunDay event on Saturday, September 25,11:00 AM-3:00 PM, in our church park. We are inviting foster families in McDuffie and surrounding counties to come out for a day full of fun: bounce houses, hayride, face-painting, the Chick-fil-A cow (and yummy food!), fun demonstrations from police and fire departments, a magician, and more!

We need your help to make this event successful! First, we need prayer for this event, that we show the love of Jesus to these families! Second, we need help setting up a large tent on Friday, September 24, at 6 PM, in the FBC Park. If you can help with this please let the church office know! Thank you to all of our wonderful church members who have agreed to volunteer during the event! We are looking forward to being able to shine the love of God into these families.


KBA Women's Fall Leadership Event 2021


Thursday, September 30, 6-7:45 PM

Sweetwater Baptist Church

Speaker: Beth Ann Williams

Menu: Chick-fil-A boxed meals

Cost: $5

All women who lead in the church or those that just want to invest spiritually in the lives of others are invited to come! God will bless and encourage you through Beth Ann Williams of Georgia Baptist Women, as she challenges us to be relentless in our walk with the Lord and in what God has called us to do. Reservations are required. Please sign up on the connection card on Sunday or call the church office to register. The deadline to register is September 23.


EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION is now open for the 2022 Upward Basketball Season at FBC Thomson! Ages K5 - 5th grade. Find more info and register online at


Monthly Ministry Donation


Fleece Blankets

Please place your donations in the blue bin in the atrium.


Jesus’s death and resurrection certainly makes it possible for us to have eternal life and someday experience our own physical resurrection when He returns. But our resurrection life begins the moment we come to faith in Jesus. He brings us from spiritual death into spiritual, abundant, and eternal life. In this Sunday’s passage in Mark 12, we’ll discover four qualities of the resurrection life we should be experiencing today.


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