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We Represent Jesus at All Times -- Peter's Irrefutable Argument in 1 Peter 2:11-20

Writer: mwwmww

Jesus is our hope, our purpose, and our model.

Bible Study Ideas and Commentary for 1 Peter 2:11-20

Peter now begins to give some examples of what being a "holy church" looks like, particularly in a pagan society, under a hostile government, and with a harsh employer. Jesus not only gives us hope to endure but also a model -- He endured suffering because He trusted God's eternal justice and because He cared about others more than Himself.

For you were called to this, because Christ also suffered for you (2:21)

When We Studied This in 2016

Last time we studied this passage,

I focused on

  • Work and Christianity

  • Abraham and Sarah

  • American citizenship and nationalism

  • Civil disobedience

  • "Governor's Rewards"

  • Submit vs. obey

If any of those topics sound interesting, check that post out.

Crossing Your Fingers Behind Your Back

Do you remember the really weird idea that if you cross your fingers, somehow the words you say are no longer valid? Have you ever thought about how utterly ridiculous that is?

I remember crossing my fingers as a kid. (It was obvious to everybody else that I was lying through my teeth.) I'm struggling to remember the psychology of it -- why I would feel the need to say words I knew to be untrue, or more to the point, why I thought that crossing my fingers made some sort of a difference.

And that's your discussion idea -- what do you think is the psychology of "crossing your fingers"? What do you think God thinks of that idea?

In this week's passage, Peter tells us not to use our freedom as a cover-up for evil. What are ways Christians might be tempted to lie in public, and what are the tools God gives us to resist that temptation? (Don't worry, we will talk more about this below.)

"Work/Life Balance": Severance

I have not watched the tv show "Severance", but I remember seeing that promo poster and being extremely curious about it. They are about to wrap up the second season, so I'm not too worried about spoiling the premise of the first season.

Long story short, a company has invented a way to "sever" your work life from your home life. As in, completely. When you're at work, you have no knowledge of your home life, and when you're at home, you have no knowledge of what you do at work. It's the ultimate in compartmentalization. And the first season is about the characters struggling to cope with not knowing what kind of person they are when they're not them. (The second season dives into the obvious question: why would a company invent such a horrifying procedure in the first place?)

It's an extreme take on questions we all face: work/life balance, or the kind of person we are at work vs. the kind of person we are at home. Have you struggled with your work/life balance, and what have you done about it? What advice could you give to someone in your group struggling with the same?

In this week's passage, Peter gives us some incredibly simple (and irrefutable) advice: you are one person, a follower of Jesus Christ. Be that follower everywhere you go at all times.

Do You Pray for Your Government?

This might be a fraught time to bring up this idea -- everyone seems to be pretty mad with the government about one thing or another. Democrats are mad at Democrats; Republicans are mad at Republicans.

But regardless of your personal feelings about the government, do you respect your governing authorities and do you pray for them? Peter doesn't give us an out (we will learn more in this week's study), and his reasoning is airtight. Remember that he would be executed by Nero within a few years of writing this letter.

How do you pray for your government, and what are tips you can share with fellow group members who might be struggling with such prayers?

[Aside: I truly hope there is political diversity in your congregation and even in your Bible study group. Diversity brings challenges to a group but also brings great strength. And no matter how diverse your group is, it is not as diverse as the churches Peter is writing to. Diversity helps us see the world from different angles, and it also demonstrates that God's salvation is not based on your background, your political leanings, or your heritage. Anyone can believe in Jesus and be saved.]

What's Your Reputation?

This is a bigger-picture, "get you thinking" topic. How aware are you of your reputation? In other words, what do other people think about you?

This week's passage is all about "reputation", and Peter goes two directions with it:

  • Your reputation should reflect your true identity. (In other words, don't try to "wear a mask" in public; God knows your heart).

  • Your reputation shapes what people think of Jesus. (In other words, people associate you with Jesus; what do you make them think about Jesus?)

Peter wants us to care about these things (for the right reasons), so you might want to put the topic in your group's brains from the get-go.


This Week's Big Idea: "Submission" vs. "Obedience"

This topic has come up in our Bible studies many times, but it's been a while. Here are a few other posts that have focused on this topic.

If you want more on this topic than I give you below, click on one of those posts.

The common Greek word for "submission" (hypotasso) means

voluntary placement of oneself under the authority and leadership of another.

A key word in that definition is "voluntary". Do you understand why "voluntary" makes a really big difference in the biblical concept of submission?

In this week's passage, Peter uses a related Greek word hypotagete which in the passive tense (as it is here) means

be in subjection to

The voluntary sense is still there -- we are not subjected, we put ourselves in subjection.

The common Greek word translated "obedience" (hypakoe) means

to hear, to obey (i.e., to follow instructions)

That leads to be most important question: can you submit to someone without obeying them? The answer is yes, of course, else Peter wouldn't tell us to do it. So, based on those two definitions, can you guess how "submission" doesn't have to mean "obedience"?

Here is a simple diagram I whipped up:

Submission is based on authority; does the government have the highest authority? No. In fact, it derives what authority it has from God, who allows it to exist.

[Aside: this diagram connects with an exchange Jesus had with a Roman Centurion who understood that Jesus' authority came from God, just as his authority came from Caesar.

Christians are to submit to our governing authorities -- Peter gives us no out -- but if obeying the government would cause us to disobey God, then our submission to God takes greater precedent. Peter, of all people, understood this:

Peter and the apostles replied, 'We must obey God rather than people' (Acts 5:29)

Keep that in mind as you study what Peter has to say.


Where We Are in 1 Peter

Here's a simple outline of First Peter:

  1. Opening praise for the priceless gift of salvation (1:1-12)

  2. Consequence of salvation: live as God's holy church (1:13-2:10)

  3. What being God's holy people looks like

    1. Representing Jesus in society (2:11-17)

    2. Representing Jesus in the home (2:18-3:7)

    3. Representing Jesus in life (3:8-22)

  4. Christians must be willing to suffer in the name of Jesus (4:1-5:14

We are in Peter's "examples" section. This section is not intended to be comprehensive or exhaustive. When I read this, I picture Peter putting on his "Dear Abby" cap (look it up, kids) and thinking about the most common questions and concerns he has heard as a pastor.

The governing authorities are threatening to throw me into prison. What do I do?
Everybody around me is a wicked, dirty pagan. How am I supposed to live?
My master is an awful person. How am I supposed to work for him?
I'm the first Christian in my family. My wife/husband/kids/parents think I'm crazy and are treating me badly. What do I do?
I have nothing in common with the other people in this church. Everything is awkward. How is this supposed to work?

These are fundamentally important questions, and I'm sure that Peter was asked them over and over again.

Think of it this way: you've probably asked versions of these questions, haven't you? And you probably have access to a Bible, friends who are Christians, and lots of websites with lots of sermons on the questions. The people Peter is writing to have . . . a memory of Peter passing through town months or years before.

So, this is a very important passage.


Part 1: You Represent Jesus in a Gentile Culture (1 Peter 2:11-12)

11 Dear friends, I urge you as strangers and exiles to abstain from sinful desires that wage war against the soul. 12 Conduct yourselves honorably among the Gentiles, so that when they slander you as evildoers, they will observe your good works and will glorify God on the day he visits.

This calls back to a discussion we had a few weeks ago about stranger/ambassador:

The Lifeway material points out the connection with Abraham and Sarah (Gen 23:4). People who are "just passing through" are not citizens, and thus they do not have the rights of citizens. In Abraham's case, that meant asking for special permission to purchase a burial plot for Sarah.

My earlier point in suggesting that we should think of ourselves as "ambassadors" rather than "sojourners" was to remind us that Christians have a "God-given job" while we live; we cannot simply ignore the world around us while we wait to leave.

Peter's point in using the word "strangers" here is related to the earlier call to holiness. Christians are now a "stranger" to the culture around them; they should not live by those cultural rules.

"Exile" is even more on the nose. The Jewish readers of this letter were probably actual exiles. Remember that the persecution that broke out in the 30s (which caused Peter to be thrown into prison in Jerusalem) resulted in many Jewish Christians leaving Jerusalem for the far-flung reaches of the empire. They were exiles from their home. Peter is putting a positive spin on that in that their true home was in heaven, and they are eagerly awaiting Jesus' return to bring them home.

To Peter, this has two critical implications:

  1. Thinking back to Matthew 24 and 25, this is a warning for Christians to be aware of what Jesus might find them doing when He returns.

  2. But this is also a reminder that until Jesus returns, Christians have the opportunity to represent Him in their community and perhaps see others saved.

Verse 11 is the oft-repeated call to be holy, set apart from the world's evil morals. Verse 12 gives two additional reasons for holiness --

  1. Be holy because Jesus has commanded you to be holy.

  2. Be holy so as not to give non-Christians a way to mock Jesus.

  3. Be holy because non-Christians will notice your behavior.

What reasons have motivated you do obey Jesus?

Very importantly, note that Peter is not saying the good behavior will keep you out of trouble, or that the reason Christians should "be good" is to stay out of trouble. In just a little bit, he will make it clear that those two things do not necessarily follow.

The end of verse 12 opens questions. Does this mean that non-Christians will be saved on Christ's return? It could mean that (and if it does, that's all the more reason for us to care about our behavior among non-Christians -- we want more people to be saved, not fewer). But I think Lifeway has it right when they say, "Standing before Christ, even those who accused believers falsely would be forced to acknowledge the rightness of Christians' actions and the injustice of their own malicious words and deeds." It's a little hollow in that they would still be damned, but Peter's point is to uplift the persecuted Christians, not pile on the condemned non-Christians.

This goes back to "reputation" -- what's your reputation in your community? What do you want it to be? What does Jesus want it to be?

Aside: Our Church's Civic Reputation

This is an interesting topic, and Christians have a very wide range of opinions about it. Let me explain my approach to this as it relates specifically to First Baptist Church and then point out a few factors that affect my approach.

At First Baptist Church, it matters to me that our church is seen as cooperative and supportive of community/civic functions. We are a "First Baptist Church"; we are the oldest church in town, and we are on a busy intersection. Members of our church work for the city, the county, and the state. We have elected officials in our congregation. Families in our church have been in Thomson for generations; they have invested their lives in building up this city and county. Our church cares about our community, and we are in a position to influence it to the good. Therefore, we should do so.

That means that we are happy to host certain civic functions here. The Chamber of Commerce (of which we are a member) will have an appreciation lunch here. We have hosted events for the police and fire departments. In keeping with the theme of "reputation", we do place limitations on those events (no alcohol, for example).

But my point is that we encourage our church members to be a part of our community on every level, and that we are a church also desire to be a part of our community in official ways. We want to be known as a "good neighbor".

Many churches do not take this approach. They argue (and I believe they are right) that you do not have to be actively engaged in your community to "conduct yourselves honorably". There are communities who are actively antagonistic toward churches (and their tax-exempt status) and who discriminate against Christians. In other words, communities that look more like what Peter is writing about. It's not possible for those churches to play an active role because their community doesn't want them to. But that does not change Peter's instruction: our responsibility as Christians (and as churches) is to represent Jesus well in our community so that the non-Christians around us will take our gospel proclamations seriously (and perhaps repent and be saved before it is too late). A church can do that without being active in civic life.

Peter's next section will give some more detail about this specific topic.


Part 2: You Represent Jesus to Your Government (1 Peter 2:13-17)

13 Submit to every human authority because of the Lord, whether to the emperor as the supreme authority 14 or to governors as those sent out by him to punish those who do what is evil and to praise those who do what is good. 15 For it is God’s will that you silence the ignorance of foolish people by doing good. 16 Submit as free people, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but as God’s slaves. 17 Honor everyone. Love the brothers and sisters. Fear God. Honor the emperor.

Realize off the bar that Peter is not giving you an out. "Submit to the government unless you disagree with them." "Submit to the government unless they are corrupt." There are no outs like that. Remember that Peter will soon be put to death by the emperor, and the next section gives an airtight, it-would-be-a-mistake-to-argue proof as to why.

Peter tells all of his Christian readers that they are to be in subjection to "every human authority". (Note: I should have explained a few weeks ago that the difference between active and passive tense does not always change the meaning; here, "submit to" and "be in subjection to" are the same idea.) I like the NRSV here -- "to every institution ordained for humans"; in other words, Peter isn't telling us to submit to every powerful person but rather the institutions of authority (like the government and the military).

Why? Because of the Lord. No getting out of that one. We studied this in Romans 13

Paul makes it simple: human governments exist because God allows it. When we respect authority, we respect God.

The authorities that exist are instituted by God. Romans 13:1

Broken record time: that does not mean we blindly obey the government. We make ourselves subject to our government, remembering that God is the higher authority.

[Aside on good and evil governments. I admit that Peter is being a bit optimistic about governments when he says that they punish evil behavior and reward good behavior. Peter knows as well as we do that some governments have a twisted understanding of good and evil. Nevertheless, it is generally true. Governments go after lawbreakers and reward people who excel in civil service. In general, Christians are to be the kinds of people who do not break laws and who serve their community. What has already been said about the relative authority of human government and God Almighty still applies.]

Note that Peter again mentions "silencing the naysayer". It's hard enough for these unwanted Christians in a pagan society; don't make it harder by being known as disrespectful rabblerousers. I'm sure Peter had the Sermon on the Mount in mind,

But I tell you, don’t resist an evildoer. On the contrary, if anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. (Matt 5:39)

Christians should be known for patience, for perseverance, for faithfulness, and for sacrificial love -- just as Jesus was. That kind of radically different lifestyle will not only get attention but also sway hearts and minds.

By the way, this is not presented as an option. It is God's will for us.

Note that Peter does not allow us to give this lip service. We can't say one thing and then intend to do something else. We can't tell the judge, "I won't do that again," while fully intending to do that again. Our heart and intent matters.

More about 2:16 below.

I suggest drawing up a list of commands in these verses (they're amazing verses) --

  • Submit to every human authority

  • Do good

  • Honor everyone

  • Love your fellow church members ("the brotherhood" refers to "the family of God")

  • Fear God

  • Honor the emperor

How do they fit together? Do you understand the difference between "fear" and "honor? Why would Peter call attention to church members again?

I think this is a brilliant overview of Christian behavior in an unfriendly world. Again, not intended to be comprehensive, but it sure covers a lot of ground.

Aside: The DOJ Investigation into the SBC

I have mentioned this a few times over the years, and it all wrapped up last week. A few years ago, reports came out of SBC churches who covered up instances of sexual assault. Some loud voices began saying that the SBC was a hive of scum and villainy, and the Department of Justice opened an investigation. Believing that those terrible crimes were isolated to a few churches and church leaders, SBC leaders cooperated with the investigation. It cost a lot of money in legal fees, and it led to lots of arguments about the SBC's responsibility to the government. (And there is admittedly another level of disagreement -- the SBC is not a denomination; we are a voluntary association of autonomous churches, so what is the SBC's connection with Peter's instructions? Further, what exactly should "cooperation" mean? Still some very hard feelings over these matters.)

I believe the SBC leaders did the right thing by cooperating with this investigation, and they did the best they could. And after two years, the DOJ just closed the case. They made one arrest. The SBC is not hiding countless sexual predators. I've said this before: one sexual predator in church leadership is too many; any crime committed in a church congregation is grossly offensive to God. But this investigation revealed what most of us believed, that Southern Baptist churches want to live according to these words in 1 Peter. When we fall into sin, we repent and make the changes to keep us from that sin in the future.

And let me focus on the one person who was arrested. Matt Queen was on staff at Southwestern Seminary, and he lied to federal investigators to cover up a sexual assault that occurred on campus (for reasons that even he doesn't understand anymore). His life, his ministry, his legacy -- all have been ruined. Let me share his words:

“While I have repented of my sin before God, made it right with the government by correcting my false statement to them, and have pled guilty before this Court, I will forever live with the knowledge that I lied, an action contrary to my faith, my character and my morals,” Queen said in a statement to the court. “I am daily reminded that my lie has disappointed my God, my wife, my daughters, my parents, my brothers, my church, my friends, and my students.”

How powerful, and how heartbreaking. I believe that Peter's words apply directly to this instance, and that explains the crushing conviction that Queen felt for his sin.

Jesus died to pay the price of that sin before God, and Matt Queen's salvation is secure by the priceless sacrifice of Jesus. When you sin by disobeying the instructions given in these verses, remember that Jesus died for you and that your sins have been forgiven. Repent to God, and do what you can to make it right with others.


Aside: The Verses We Skip

We skip the slaves-and-masters section (2:18-21), which we covered in 2016. My guess is that Lifeway just wanted to leave well enough alone this time -- those verses are rough.

I have applied those verses to employment. Realize that there's a huge limitation in that analogy: today, you can just quit your job. Slaves in Peter's day couldn't "quit", so they needed to be equipped to handle whatever awful situation they were in.

Remember that like today, the message of Christianity appealed particularly to the poor, the oppressed, and the outcast. That means that there were many slaves in early churches. Their life circumstance was, I'm sure, untenable.

But Peter wanted them to know two things: the rules still applied to their terrible situation, and by enduring their suffering, they were bringing glory to God and inspiration to others.

It's a logical follow from government:

  • Respect authority -- either government or employer

  • Submit to authority -- even when they are awful people

  • Your patient endurance brings glory to God

  • Your good deeds will help bring people to a knowledge of salvation

A good big-picture reminder: when we work hard as unto the Lord, we are demonstrating our care for others -- our boss/company, our community, and anyone we support.


Part 3: Jesus Is Your Example (1 Peter 2:21-25)

21 For you were called to this, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. 22 He did not commit sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth; 23 when he was insulted, he did not insult in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten but entrusted himself to the one who judges justly. 24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree; so that, having died to sins, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. 25 For you were like sheep going astray, but you have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.

I don't think I need to say much about this. Are you going to argue with Peter?

Peter is quoting heavily from Isaiah 53 -- read that chapter.

Jesus is the ultimate example of what Peter instructed his readers. And Jesus' example also explains Peter's "why" --

  • Jesus was not worried about "getting justice" in this life; He trusted that God, the True Eternal Judge, would handle everything rightly in eternity.

  • Jesus was not worried about "comfort and enjoyment" in this life; He believed that an eternity in heaven made any temporary suffering bearable.

  • Jesus cared more about others than Himself; He endured suffering to obtain our salvation; likewise, we must put other's salvation before our comfort.

These words should admonish any of us who have raged about our rights and our justice. Paul claimed his rights as a Roman citizen, but he always did so as a conscientious representative of Jesus. He was humble, respectful, and submissive.

Your discussion is pretty simple: what are situations/circumstances you are having trouble dealing with? This week, the specific circumstances are with your neighbors, your local government, and your employer. How can Jesus' example help direct you, and how can it encourage you?

And of course, work out how your group can support one another through whatever tough circumstance.


Closing Thoughts: The Honor of Being God's Bondservant

Let's circle back around to 2:16:

16 Submit as free people, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but as God’s slaves.

That's a jarring statement on its surface; it seems oxymoronic. What is a "free slave"??

The word for "slave" is doulos, which is often translated "servant" in the Bible. But in modern English, "slave" is more accurate. "Bondservant" -- someone who willingly sold himself into slavery to pay off a debt -- is more accurate, but we don't really use that word anymore.

Peter seems to be tapping into an Old Testament tradition:

  • Josh 14:7 I was forty years old when Moses the Lord’s servant ("slave") sent me from Kadesh-barnea to scout the land, and I brought back an honest report.

  • Psalm 89:3 The Lord said, “I have made a covenant with my chosen one; I have sworn an oath to David my servant ("slave").

  • 2 Ki 10:10 Know, then, that not a word the Lord spoke against the house of Ahab will fail, for the Lord has done what he promised through his servant ("slave") Elijah.

When you're a "slave" of God, you're in good company. Why would we want that? Because God is the highest authority, the Master of masters. When you serve God, anyone who opposes you will have to answer to God. And they might oppose you! But you don't have to worry about that because you trust that God will handle it in eternity.

Personally, I like the starkness of the word "slave" here. "Servant" gives me the idea that I can obey when I feel like it and disobey when I feel like it. And God certainly gives me that freedom! But is there really a choice? A good choice? No! Obeying God is what is best for me. So let me not think of myself as someone with a reasonable choice.


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