Inside: There are still plenty of opportunities to worship as we approach Easter Sunday! See the details on our Lord's Supper service (Thursday), Cross-walk (Friday), Easter morning, and our upcoming Spring Eggstravaganza community festival!

We had such a blessed time together last Sunday (Palm Sunday) -- we know you want to be part of our upcoming worship services!

Maundy Thursday
TONIGHT we will gather together at 7:00 PM to reflect on the final hours of Jesus' life before the cross. We will partake of the Lord's Supper together in worship. (Note that we will have a normal Wednesday night schedule.)

Good Friday Cross Procession
Friday evening we will meet at the Methodist Church for a brief time of devotion and prayer before carrying the cross down Main Street to First Baptist. This is a visible and public way to reflect on Jesus' journey to the crucifixion and bring some awareness of the day to our neighbors in McDuffie County.

Easter Sunday Morning
Praise God that the journey did not end at the cross! Join us at any of our 3 services as we celebrate our Risen King!
7:00 AM: Sunrise Service at Savannah Valley
8:15 AM: FBC Sanctuary
10:45 AM: FBC Sancturary
And note that we will have normal Sunday School at 9:30.

The Church Office and Cornerstone Preschool will be closed Monday, April 18.
We will continue our celebration of the Easter Season the Saturday after Easter. April 23 from 11am-2pm we will have a kids' eggstravaganza and community festival. We want to start putting this information in as many hands as we can, because this event is going to be a lot of fun for everyone!

Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
Or, just click on this link: