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What's Happening at FBC August 10


Inside: A great fall Kick-off, Summer Fest for students, Food Truck Friday, and Next Steps Luncheon!


What a great kick-off to our Wednesday night programs last night! You should come! See details below:

Wednesday, August 9, is the kick-off for all our fall programs:

  • 5:00-6:00 supper in the Fellowship Hall (reservations required by noon on Monday)

  • 6:00-7:15 program time! (see below for details)

  • 7:15-8:15 choir rehearsal

There is something for everybody, and we hope you will check it out:

  • David's "Route 66" study -- every week you will get a full, big picture for one of the books of the Bible (there are 66 books, if you're wondering)

  • Babies-2s -- in the Nursery

  • Age 3-K5 -- TinyKID in the Chapel

  • 1st-6th -- TeamKID in the Gym

  • 7th-12th -- Elevate in the Warehouse

  • Note that both TeamKID and TinyKID will be picked up from the gym

  • Young men's Bible study in the parlor, learning Disciplines of a Godly Man.

Our prayer for all of these programs is that they will equip and encourage you as you grow in your walk with Christ!


August 12, our church is partnering with the Old Frontier and FCA to offer a fun end of summer/back to school fest.

There will be games, food, a slip-and-slide and a time of worship.

Ben is going to be a taking a bus from the Warehouse to the Old Frontier. The bus will leave the Warehouse at 4:30 PM.


We are so excited to be a part of our city's first "Food Truck Friday". The chamber is hosting this event at our church park. We will have tables set up, music playing, and Bibles to hand out. We hope that you will not only come to enjoy some food and fellowship, but will also be a part of helping us set up and facilitate this event.


Whether or not you have just started visiting, have been visiting for a while, or have recently joined, we would love to have you be a part of our Next Steps Luncheon on Sunday, August 27. During this lunch, you will get to hear from all our pastors about the ministries of the church and how you could be a part of those. We hope that you will come! Please email Christy ( to RSVP.


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:


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