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What's Happening at FBC August 3


Inside: OCC update, back to school, fall kick off, basket packing for Safe Homes, a Summer Fest for teens, and a busy day this Sunday!


Thank you all for your participation in our "Christmas in July" push. We collected (and packed) a total of 246 boxes! One of the perks of doing this so early is that we have time to pack more through our collection week in mid-November. So, if you didn't get around to packing a shoebox this month, you have through November. We would love to reach our goal of 300 boxes!


This Sunday we have a lot going on...

  • First is Promotion Sunday for our children and preschoolers. Kids should report to their new Sunday School classes.

  • At the end of service, our church members will be nominating Deacons to serve during the next term. We hope that you have had the chance to pray over the list and the qualifications that were mailed out a couple weeks ago. If you are a church member and did not receive this, please email Christy at

  • During worship, we will also be presenting Bibles to our new first graders to be used in their new Sunday School class.

  • After worship, we will have our Pizza with the Pastors lunch. Our pastors are excited about the time of fellowship and games with the kids and their families. If you have a child in 1st-6th grade, your family is invited to join us!


We have so many teachers and students that are going back to school this week or next. Be in prayer for them as they begin a new year. Ben has posted a great prayer guide on our Facebook page. Be sure to check that out!


This Saturday, August 5, we will be packing baskets to take to Safe Homes in Augusta. We can always use more help! If you're interested in helping, we will start at 10:30 AM in the craft room.


Wednesday, August 9, is the kick-off for all our fall programs:

  • 5:00-6:00 supper in the Fellowship Hall (reservations required by noon on Monday)

  • 6:00-7:15 program time! (see below for details)

  • 7:15-8:15 choir rehearsal

There is something for everybody, and we hope you will check it out:

  • David's "Route 66" study -- every week you will get a full, big picture for one of the books of the Bible (there are 66 books, if you're wondering)

  • Babies-2s -- in the Nursery

  • Age 3-K5 -- TinyKID in the Chapel

  • 1st-6th -- TeamKID in the Gym

  • 7th-12th -- Elevate in the Warehouse

  • Note that both TeamKID and TinyKID will be picked up from the gym

  • Young men's Bible study in the parlor, learning Disciplines of a Godly Man.

Our prayer for all of these programs is that they will equip and encourage you as you grow in your walk with Christ!


August 12, our church is partnering with the Old Frontier and FCA to offer a fun end of summer/back to school fest.

There will be games, food, a slip-and-slide and a time of worship.

Ben is going to be a taking a bus from the Warehouse to the Old Frontier. The bus will leave the Warehouse at 4:30 PM.


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:


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