Inside: New Year's Eve Sunday with combined Sunday School, Wednesday night programs, Centrikid and more!

Oh Come let us Adore him... not just in this season, but all year long!

This Sunday, we will have a joint Sunday School. It will start at 9:30. We will start with some finger breakfast foods, followed by a short time of prayer, and a brief lesson from John 3:16. There will be a nursery, and there will also be Children's Church during the morning service.

We will not have any activities January 4th.
Our Wednesday Night activities will resume January 11. We have something for everyone!
At 5:00, we gather for a delicious dinner cooked by the Bentley's. Reservations for dinner are required by Monday each week.
Nursery is provided for kids birth- age 2.
Kids who are age 3- K5 will participate in TinyKID in the chapel, they will hear a Bible Story, do a craft, and learn some music in choir!
Kids who are in 1st-6th Grade will have TeamKID in the gym. They will do a Bible lesson, a mission activity, choir and a game.
Youth (Grades 7-12) will be down in the Warehouse with Ben! There's snackfoods, games, and a devotion.
The adults will be in the Fellowship Hall with David. This semester, David will walk us through Church History in a way that is easy to understand and meaningful to your understanding of how we got where we are, and what that can teach us about where we are going.
After all of this, at 7:15, our adult choir meets for rehearsal. We would love for you to come and give the choir a try :)

We’re headed to CentriKid!
CentriKid is a high-energy, intentional, gospel-centered overnight camp for rising 2nd - rising 7th graders. Their mission is to help kids experience the time of their lives and learn more about the message of Jesus Christ. This takes place through track times, rec, worship, Bible study, church group time, and a variety of other fun events. CentriKid Camps are committed to providing content that is rooted in Scripture, a safe location, kid-friendly programming, and staffers who are deeply invested in your kids.
The deadline to sign-up and pay the $75 deposit is January 31!

Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
Or, just click on this link: