Inside: DTN (a little more help is needed), Young at Heart, Christmas Family Feast, Caroling and more!

What an incredible 3 days of Drive-Thru Nativity! We had 2,302 people drive through over the course of 3 days! This event takes so many people to make it a success and we're so thankful for all the ways you stepped in and helped out!
We do still need a bit more help. Everything still has to come down and be put away. This Saturday, December 9, at 9:00 am, we will be deconstructing the Nativity. Bring gloves. If you have a drill with a star bit, a ratchet set, and a prybar, those things make the process faster. With plenty of help, it will all come down a lot faster than it went up. (Depressingly.)
Thanks again to everyone who played a role in this years Nativity!

Join us Wedneday for a Christmas Family Feast! Make your reservations in the bulletin Sunday or with the church office no later than Noon on Monday (December 11).

Sunday begins our week of prayer for International Missions. There will be a handout in the bulletin on Sunday as well as daily posts on our Facebook Page with ways you can be praying. Our offering goal is $13,000 and the kids banks will be due back December 17.

We are so excited to go caroling this year! The kids will be taking a hayride to a couple of our nursing home facilities and the adults and youth will be dividing up to visist some of our homebound members. We would love to have you be a part of this event! After caroling, we will meet back at the Warehouse for S'mores!

Ladies, join us on December 16 for a wonderful time of fellowship and teaching, and invite a friend! To sign up, visit our website or call the church office. The deadline to signup for this event is December 8.

We are seeking a passionate and dedicated individual to fill the role of part-time Children’s Ministry Coordinator. This position will operate under the leadership of the Youth and Family Pastor and play a crucial role in leading and shaping the children’s ministry department, overseeing programs and activities for children from birth to 6th grade.
Interested candidates should submit a resume, cover letter, and three professional references to Rev. Ben Tarver, Application deadline is Monday, December 18.
Once you have submitted your application, we will email you a more detailed job description and set up an interview time.
Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
Or, just click on this link: