Inside: Cornerstone Preschool Update, Ski Trip, Upward Basketball, KBA Spring Meeting, Go and Tell fund, and more!

We had a wonderful turnout for our Next Step Luncheon, and we are so thankful for those families who were willing to take time out of their day to learn more about our church. We're also so thankful for our church members who put together the meal and were a part of the discussion. It was a great time to explain what it means to be a member of FBC. If you missed this luncheon, we plan to have another Next Step Lunch in August and hope that you will join us!

Be in prayer for our youth and adults as they travel to North Carolina for their annual Ski Trip this weekend!

There have been some changes in our preschool that we want to make you aware of. For medical reasons, Kaylyn Earl has had to resign as our director. For the remainder of the year, Mrs. Sammye Doolittle will step into the position of Interim Director. Beginning June 1, Mrs. Laura Wall will take over as the director of Cornerstone Preschool. Laura has been involved with our preschool for several years and is a beloved teacher. We are looking forward to watching the preschool continue to grow and thrive under her leadership! Please join us in praying for these ladies and the transitions taking place.
The Upward Basketball season is underway! Please be in prayer for a great season, safety for all the participants, and listening ears for all of our guests. It's a great time (and you're welcome to come and cheer the kids on!).
Please contact Ben Tarver if you would be willing to give a short devotion during half-time.

Triumphant Quartet
In Concert!
Friday, February 25 7:00
right here at FBC
Admission is free, love offering is taken, a great place for your acquaintances to hear the gospel. Come on out!

Kilpatrick Baptist Association Spring Meeting
February 21, 6:30 PM
FBC Sanctuary
There's not a meal this year, but there are so many reasons to come! This year's keynote speaker is Belinda Harris with READ Georgia -- a statewide program that partners churches with schools for one-on-one mentoring in literacy. A child's ability to read has more impact on his or her future than almost any other controllable characteristic. Let's learn what we can do to help children in our area.

February Ministry Donation
Oral Care Products
Toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, small bottles of mouthwash

Contributions to our FBC Go and Tell Fund have started slow this year -- let me remind you how the fund works. Money that is given to Go and Tell is divided among ministries that we think are important as a church -- like Manna Ministries, Smoky Mountain Resort Ministries, the Georgia Baptist Children's Home, and more. We also keep 1/3 of the donations here at the church to be used on any local needs -- like supplies for the women's shelter or DFCS, support for teachers and students, Bibles and devotionals to give away, and when an organization has an emergency need, we can help them financially. Our goal is determined by every FBC family giving $5 per week. If you've not been giving, why not put an extra $20 in the offering this week and designate it to the Go and Tell Fund!

What We Believe about humanity is one of the most consequential beliefs of our day. So many of our political and cultural debates relate to what we believe about the human nature, where we came from, and where we are headed. Join us this Sunday for David’s message on this vitally important doctrine.