Inside: Ash Wednesday, Triumphant Quartet, Pasta Sauce for Manna and MORE!

Our TeamKID Choir did an excellent job of leading us in Worship this past Sunday, reminding us how much God loves us! Our TinyKID choir will be singing this Sunday :)

The Triumphant Quartet will be in concert Friday, February 24 at 7:00 PM. This concert is free, but a love offering will be received. The gospel will be shared -- invite your friends!

It's hard to believe, but Ash Wednesday is this coming Wednesday. We will meet in the Sanctuary at 6:00 as we prepare our hearts for the Easter Season and take the Lord's Supper together. We will have the nursery available and our TinyKIDs will still meet, but the rest of us will be in the Sanctuary. Remember that we have dinner starting at 5:00 (reservations required). We hope to see you there!

Remember to be working on memorizing this passage of scripture with your family!

Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
Or, just click on this link: