Inside: Nursery Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony, Jubal Brass Concert, Next Step Luncheon, Triumphant Quartet concert, Spring Inspirational Meeting and more!

Join us for our Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony in the new nursery area!
Sunday Morning, February 6, 9:00 AM
Coffee and donuts to follow in the Atrium! While this event is for our parents and teachers to pray for everything that will happen in the nursery area for years to come, it's also a great chance for everyone who wouldn't otherwise see the nursery to come down and check it out!
The Upward Basketball season is underway! Please be in prayer for a great season, safety for all the participants, and listening ears for all of our guests. It's a great time (and you're welcome to come and cheer the kids on!).
Please contact Ben Tarver if you would be willing to give a short devotion during half-time.

New Here?
Interested in learning more about FBC?
Join us for our Next Step Luncheon immediately following worship on February 13. You can sign up on the Connect Card on Sunday morning, or you can call the church office and let us know how many are coming. We should have plenty of food, but it's nice to have a good head count.

Jubal Brass Concert TONIGHT!
Thursday, February 3
7:00 PM
Sharon Baptist Church
This is the world-renowned orchestra for the Sons of Jubal. Their music, their talent, and their love for Jesus combines for a great show! Our good friends at Sharon Baptist would love to have a full house.

Triumphant Quartet
In Concert!
Friday, February 25 7:00
right here at FBC
Admission is free, love offering is taken, a great place for your acquaintances to hear the gospel. Come on out!

Kilpatrick Baptist Association Spring Meeting
February 21, 6:30 PM
FBC Sanctuary
There's not a meal this year, but there are so many reasons to come! This year's keynote speaker is Belinda Harris with READ Georgia -- a statewide program that partners churches with schools for one-on-one mentoring in literacy. A child's ability to read has more impact on his or her future than almost any other controllable characteristic. Let's learn what we can do to help children in our area.

February Ministry Donation
Oral Care Products
Toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, small bottles of mouthwash

As Pastor David continues his series We Believe, this Sunday he will help us understand who Jesus is.