Inside: Name Tag Sunday, Next Steps Luncheon, Pasta Sauce for Manna and Pews for Sale!

Sunday is Name Tag Sunday! We have a lot of guests and New Members and having a name tag on helps us get to know one another. We will be doing this the first Sunday of every month just as we did before Covid. We got out of the habit of doing this, but it's worth bringing back. Help us welcome new folks by simply putting on a name tag! Name tags will be available at all of the entrances.

Whether you are a new member, a long-time guest, or a first-time guest, we would like to invite you to our Next Steps Luncheon THIS Sunday, February 5th, immediately following our morning worship service. There is no charge for lunch. We want you to have an opportunity to get to know our pastors, learn more about our church, and enjoy a time of fellowship. There will be no pressure to join or make any sort of commitment at this lunch. 😊
We will have childcare for those of you with kids! If you would like to attend, please email Christy at We look forward to seeing you there!

We are replacing the balcony pews with new chairs. The chairs have arrived, so we can put these pews up for sale (these are the pews that came out of the Chapel). We want to offer them to church members before we post them on any other sites. We will sell the pews for $100 each (or best offer), and there are 5 of them still available. The pews are 12' long, 34.5" tall, and 25" wide. Please email if you are interested in purchasing one of these pews.

We are in need of items for our Upward Basketball Celebration. Things such as gift cards and prizes are given out to all the participants. You can also give a monetary donation and we will use this money to purchase some items. Upward Celebration will be Saturday, March 11 at 5:00 PM. This is always a fun conclusion to the season as we honor our teams and volunteers. If you are interested in making a donation please contact Ben (

Remember to be working on memorizing this passage of scripture with your family over the next six weeks!

We extend our congratulations to Carrington Beggs, the new Executive Director of the Thomson McDuffie Chamber of Commerce! We are looking forward to all that Carrington will accomplish in this new role.
We also thank Debbie Jones, the former Executive Director, for all the ways she served our community during her time as director. Let us all be inspired to make Thomson-McDuffie a great place to live!

Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
Or, just click on this link: