Inside: Wednesday nights are back, summer camp registration, we're hiring, Triumphant Quartet, and more!

If you purchased a church ornament or print, they are available to be picked up! You can come by the church office during the week or stop by the atrium after church on Sunday.

We had such a great time at the ladies paint night event! If you were unable to make it this time time we will certainly be doing this again! Thanks to all who came and a special "thank you" to Mrs. Sharon Dye for hosting such a fun event!

We are looking to hire a paid nursery worker. We need someone who is available two Wednesday night and two Sunday mornings a month. Stop by the church office for an application or email Danielle at

Wednesday nights are back! We hope that you will join us for dinner at 5:00 (RSVP Required) and Bible Study at 6:00! There is something for everyone!

Don't miss the deadline to sign your kids up for camp! There's a camp for everyone from rising second graders to kids who are graduating this year. Camp is such a good time for kids to grow in their relationships with the Lord and each other.

Mark your calendars for Friday, February 2! We are excited to welcome the Triumphant Quartet back to our church! Admission is free. A love offering will be received at the end of the concert.

Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
Or, just click on this link: