Inside: Quarterly Church Conference, Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony, Committee Workshop, Upward Basketball, Next Step Luncheon and more!

Join Us January 23 for a brief Quarterly Church Conference, followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony for our new nursery ministry area! Conference starts at 6:00.

Committee Workshop
January 23, 5:00 PM
If you are on a committee, please plan to be here. Our committees need to select officers and begin planning for the year.

Upward Basketball starts next week!
January 17 - Practices Start
January 22 - Upward Camp
January 29 - Upward Camp
February 5 - First Week of Games
March 12 - Awards Ceremony

This past Sunday we had a meaningful time of prayer and ordination for Stephen Swann and Chase Beggs.
Continue to pray for all of our deacons as they lead and serve as God directs.

New Here?
Interested in learning more about FBC?
Join us for our Next Step Luncheon immediately following worship on February 13.

If you purchased a church T-Shirt they are available for pickup! We also have a few extras if you did not purchase one but would like one!
Offering envelopes for the new year will be available in the atrium. Please note that the envelope numbers have changed.

Our January Ministry Donation is Hair Care Products.
Please place your donations in the blue bin in the atrium.

Join us this Sunday as Pastor David finishes his two-part sermon on what we believe about the Bible.