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What's Happening at FBC January 19


Inside: Committee workshop and Quarterly Church Conference on Sunday, Chapel pews for sale, Upward camp is Saturday, upcoming Next Steps luncheon for new members and interested guests, and more!


Upward practices are well underway! It's been wonderful to welcome these kids and their families back to our church! We could always use more help with Upward. If you are interested in helping, email Ben! (


On Sunday night, January 22, at 5:00, we will have a time for our committees to meet and plan together. If you are on a committee, please make every effort to be at this meeting. We want committees to use this time to nominate officers, set goals for this year, plan any events that need to be planned, and pray together.

Then at 6:00 we will have our Quarterly Church Conference.


We are replacing the balcony pews with new chairs! The chairs have arrived, so we can put these pews up for sale (these are the pews that came out of the Chapel). We want to offer them to church members before we post them on any other sites. We will sell the pews for $100 each, and there are 5 of them still available. The pews are 12' long, 34.5" tall, and 25" wide. Please email if you are interested in purchasing one of these pews.


We’re headed to CentriKid!

CentriKid is a high-energy, intentional, gospel-centered overnight camp for rising 2nd - rising 7th graders. Their mission is to help kids experience the time of their lives and learn more about the message of Jesus Christ. This takes place through track times, rec, worship, Bible study, church group time, and a variety of other fun events. CentriKid Camps are committed to providing content that is rooted in Scripture, a safe location, kid-friendly programming, and staffers who are deeply invested in your kids.

The deadline to sign-up and pay the $75 deposit is January 31!


Our Upward season will soon be underway! Upward requires a lot of volunteers. If you would be interested in volunteering as a ref, please send Ben an email ( We also need people to give a short 5 minute devotion during halftime for each of the games. We will have a signup on the connection card for devotions, so be looking for that!


Remember to be working on memorizing this passage of scripture with your family over the next six weeks!


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:


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