Inside: Lots of pictures, pool parties next Wednesday, blood drive, CPR training, Tribute concert and more!

Wow, July has been such a busy month for all things youth, family, and children. Wednesday night we took 36 kids to Defy trampoline park for a night of pizza and jumping. Then on Thursday we had a group of about 30 people go to the Braves game and the "For King and Country Concert". It has been a great month of fellowship and it's not over yet! Reminder: Both the kids and the youth have pool parties this coming Wednesday.

On Thursday, July 27 the bloodmobile will be in our parking lot! This is a great opportunity to show love to our "neighbors".

There is one more CPR and first aid class left for you to attend. This is for everyone in our church who works with nursery/preschool/children's ministries. We want everyone in our church who works with kids of any age to complete this training. The cost for certification is $25 (but you can still take the class even if you don't want to pay for recertification). [Bonus: They will also cover adult CPR!] You can contact the church office or fill out the connect card on Sunday to sign up.

Go ahead and mark your calendars for Friday, July 28. We are excited to welcome the Tribute Quartet to our church. Admission is free but we will receive a love offering for them. We hope that you will come enjoy a night of gospel music with us.

Saturday, August 5 we will be packing baskets to take to Safe Homes in Augusta. We can always use more help! If you're interested in helping, we will start at 10:30 AM in the craft room.

This year, we are trying something a little different...Christmas in July! The season leading up to Christmas each year is provides so many opportunities for giving while July doesn't have nearly as many. In an effort to spread things out, we are moving our Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection to July.
On Sunday, July 30 we will have our collection Sunday. Boxes will be collected and prayed over as a part of our service that morning. In addition to that, you can also pick up items for shoeboxes and drop them in the blue mission bin in the atrium. At 4:00 PM on July 30, we will have a packing party and pack shoeboxes with those individual items you have collected.
Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
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