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What's Happening at FBC June 22


Kids Camp, June 26, Church Picnic and July 4 Schedule


The kids are having a great time at camp so far! We are looking forward to hearing all about it when they return!


This Wednesday the kids will have Chick-fil-A night at church. I hear the cow is even planning to make an appearance! The youth will have a game night hosted by Bryan Youngs at the Warehouse and the adults will be continuing The Chosen.


Sunday, June 30 immediately following worship we will have our annual Fourth of July picnic. The church is providing hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, and chips. We are asking for some of you to bring a dessert, coleslaw, or potato salad. You can sign up to bring one of these things on the connect card on Sunday.


There will be no evening activities on Wednesday, July 3 and the office will be closed

July 4-5.


VBS is just around the corner and we could use some help with supplies. Scan the QR code or click HERE to purchase items! Thank you for your generosity!


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:

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