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What's Happening at FBC June 30


Inside: VBS Recap, Worship in the gym Sunday, Freedom Blast will go on without our watermelon booth, what to bring to the church picnic, and more!


Just a reminder that we will be worshiping in the gym this Sunday. The stage in the sanctuary is being refinished and needs a little more time to cure!


We had such an incredible week of VBS this year! We had over 150 kids in attendance and 8 kids indicated that they prayed to receive Christ! Thank you to our volunteers who worked so hard to make this week a success! To God be the glory!


We will celebrate the July 4 holiday with a picnic (indoors!) immediately following the morning worship service on July 3. The church will provide hamburgers and hot dogs; we want you to bring the rest.

Please bring a side dish or a dessert to share!

PSA: Please Help Us Take Care of Our Church Family

There is a lot of COVID going around our community right now, and it has impacted several of our church members. We trust you to make a smart decision about Sunday. If you are not feeling well, we ask you please to stay home and worship with us by video or radio. Our prayer is that you feel better soon and can be with us next Sunday (7/10) when we're back in the sanctuary with our beautifully refinished platform!

And that leads us to an update:


While we do believe that everyone can go to Freedom Blast and be safe about it, we don't believe we can do that while operating a watermelon booth and being in close contact with hundreds of people we don't know. To protect our volunteers, we've cancelled the watermelon booth this year. Freedom Blast will go on just fine without free watermelon, and we will be ready to go next year!


The church office will be closed Monday for July 4. We pray everyone has a safe and fun holiday!


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:


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