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What's Happening at FBC March 10


It's the end of the Upward Basketball season! Saturday night is our awards ceremony. Be praying that the lesson learned will stick with these kids for a long time!

Inside: Daylight Savings Time, CHAMPS, Baskets for Safe Homes, Operation Christmas Child, Children and Youth Events (including a Community Festival), Menu Changes and more!


Daylight Savings Time Begins

March 13

Remember to set your clocks forward on Saturday night. We know -- we're all looking forward to this.


Gideon Sunday: This Sunday!

Join us Sunday as we hear from Gideon, Brigadier General Steve Blanton, about the wonderful work that they're doing and how we can be a part of their ministry!

We will receive a love offering for Gideon Bibles at the end of the service.


Basket Packing for Safe Homes

Saturday, March 26, 10:30 a.m.

Craft Room

Please come and help us! Baskets are donated to Safe Homes in Augusta which is a shelter for women and their children who are victims of domestic violence. Additional items needed for the baskets are deodorant, razors, loofas, body wash, lotion, hairbrushes, shampoo and conditioner. Lunch will be served once we finish packing the baskets.


CHAMPS is a new ministry here at First Baptist! We are partnering adults with children in our church for the purpose of building relationships, and encouraging young families. Be watching for more information Sunday, and be open to the Spirit leading you to be a part of this ministry!


Mark your calendars! Sunday, March 20 immediately following worship the kids and youth will have a pizza and bowling event! Pizza will be served in the fellowship hall immediately following worship. They will then take a bus to Northside Lanes in North Augusta. Cost is $10. They plan to return around 5:00 pm.


Wednesday Night Menu Changes

There have been some changes in the order of meals for Wednesday Nights in March. Here is our menu:

March 16

Sub Sandwiches

March 23

Adults: Pork Chops

Kids: Hot Dogs

March 30



OCC Report

Thanks to your gifts to Operation Christmas Child, we are seeing the growth of churches all over the globe. Churches are being planted, doubling and even tripling in size because of Evangelism, Discipleship, and Multiplication.

The Southeast ministry goal for 2021 was to send 880,000 shoeboxes around the world. God did abundantly more than we asked and provided over 980,000 shoebox gifts! That is a Miracle in Motion! God provided 14,549 shoebox gifts, or Gospel Opportunities, in our local area in 2021. Your faithfulness in giving to this ministry is a key part of what God is doing.

Start planning now to pack more shoeboxes this year than last year. Take advantage of sale items when you see them. Buying ahead of time helps make it easier to do more than to wait and buy everything at the last minute.


March Ministry Donation

Individually wrapped, non-chocolate candy.

Please place candy in the blue bin in the atrium.

Because ...

This year, we aren't doing an Easter Egg Hunt the day before Easter; instead, we're excited to announce a kids' egg-stravaganza and community festival on the Saturday after Easter. We want to start putting this information in as many hands as we can, because this event is going to be a lot of fun for everyone!


Join us Sunday as David preaches on the importance of the church and what it means to be a part of the family of God!


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