Inside: Daylight savings time, week of prayer, Jeff Harris on Sunday, a few Braves tickets left, preschool Sunday on 3/19 and more...

Thank you for your continued prayers for Pastor David. He continues to improve each day and is looking forward to being back with us soon (but not too soon!).

If you still have a clock that you manually change, don't forget to set it forward Saturday night before you go to bed.

Sunday begins our church's emphasis on prayer for North American Missions. God as called people to go and serve in cities all over North America. They need our prayers as they seek to reach our continent for Christ. They also need our financial support. This year our Annie Armstrong offering goal is $10,000. On Sunday we will have prayer guides available to you in the sanctuary. We will also be posting daily videos on our Facebook page. Let's pray diligently and give generously to those God has called to go.
For more information visit:

As Pastor David continues to heal from surgery, we are blessed to have wonderful preachers filling the pulpit for him. Last Sunday we had the privilege of welcoming Rev. Thomas Hammond. This Sunday, we will hear from one of our own, Rev. Jeff Harris. We hope to see you Sunday, as we hear what God has laid on Jeff's heart.

We have a lot of exciting things happening this month with our preschool. First, registration is now open for the 2023-2024. If you or someone you know would like to enroll a child for next year, you can pick up a registration packet in the church office or online.
Also, Sunday, March 19 we will have our annual Preschool Sunday. We will get to hear the kids sing a couple of songs and hear some testimonies from a few parents. Ben will preach that Sunday, and we will have a meal for our preschool families after worship.

On Monday, March 20 we have the privilege of hosing the annual KBA WMU Spring Inspirational Meeting. The meeting will kick-off at 6:30 with a meal. We will hear from Dr. Lou Koon (Armed Forces Mission) as well as Walt and Ginger Amerson from iCare of Augusta. This will be a time of encouragement for you as we learn about the needs of those around us.

We only have SIX tickets left for this event. Sign up today!
Join us for an Atlanta Braves game on Thursday, July 20 followed by a Concert by For King and Country. Tickets are $25 and include admission to the game as well as a field pass for the concert. Space is limited, so RSVP soon by texting or emailing Christy (706-466-9968, We will also have sign-ups on the connect card on Sunday.

Our children's committee is taking a group of kids to the EdVenture Children's Museum in Columbia, SC on March 18. The cost is $15. The plan is to leave the church at 9:00 AM and return around 5:00 PM. You can sign up by emailing Christy, calling the church office, or on the connect card on Sunday! (

Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
Or, just click on this link: