Inside: Israel Trip, Upward Awards Night report, Basket packing volunteer opportunity, Gideon Offering Update, get to know Jeff Harris, and more!

Shalom! As you receive this week’s e-newsletter, our group will be arriving in Israel. I am so thrilled to finally be able to say that! After two delays due to COVID, it’s an answer to prayer for our group of 15 to be able to go. I’m asking you to pray for our group the following:
Of course, safety in traveling to, through, and from Israel.
That no one will be sick or test positive for COVID at any time.
That God would open our eyes to see the land of Israel through the lens of Scripture and help bring the Bible to life in living color!
That God would open our ears and hearts to hear His voice speak through His Word and through this land and its people.
Always for the Peace of Jerusalem. Pray for the Muslim and Jewish people to come to know Jesus IS the Messiah, the Son of God!
We can’t wait to return with pictures and stories to share. And to start planning my NEXT trip to Israel. Maybe you can go with us next time!
Upward Awards Night
Last Saturday we had our Upward Awards Night to wrap up our 2022 Upward Basketball Season. What a great season it was! We want to extend a huge "THANK YOU" to all who were involved with the program this year. During our Awards Night we had 7 kids indicate that they wanted to give their lives to Jesus! We are so thrilled to be a part of the story God is writing for each of these kids!

Basket Packing for Safe Homes
Saturday, March 26, 10:30 a.m.
Craft Room
Please come and help us! Baskets are donated to Safe Homes in Augusta which is a shelter for women and their children who are victims of domestic violence. Additional items needed for the baskets are deodorant, razors, loofas, body wash, lotion, hairbrushes, shampoo and conditioner. Lunch will be served once we finish packing the baskets.

CHAMPS is a new ministry here at First Baptist! We are partnering adults with children in our church for the purpose of building relationships, and encouraging young families. Be watching for more information Sunday, and be open to the Spirit leading you to be a part of this ministry!

Mark your calendars! Sunday, March 20 immediately following worship the kids and youth will have a pizza and bowling event! Pizza will be served in the fellowship hall immediately following worship. They will then take a bus to Northside Lanes in North Augusta. Cost is $10. They plan to return around 5:00 pm.
PLEASE RSVP to Christy Tarver (706-466-9968) ASAP if your child will be attending.

Wednesday Night Menu Changes
There have been some changes in the order of meals for Wednesday Nights in March. Here is our menu:
March 23
Adults: Pork Chops
Kids: Hot Dogs
March 30
Breakfast for Dinner

Thomson First United Methodist Church will be offering a GriefShare support group to the community. An introduction to GriefShare will be April 24 from 3:00-5:00 PM in their Fellowship Hall. They will then meet continuously on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month beginning May 8 from 3:00-5:00. Pre-registration is requested. You can do this online at or by contacting Karan Selezinka at 706-361-0610

Gideon Love Offering
Thank you for your generosity to the
Gideons International! We were able to give $1,000 towards the work of their ministry!

March Ministry Donation
Individually wrapped, non-chocolate candy.
Please place candy in the blue bin in the atrium.
Because ...
This year, we aren't doing an Easter Egg Hunt the day before Easter; instead, we're excited to announce a kids' egg-stravaganza and community festival on the Saturday after Easter. We want to start putting this information in as many hands as we can, because this event is going to be a lot of fun for everyone!

Join us Sunday as Rev. Jeff Harris preaches on what Baptists believe about God's purpose of grace.

Who is Rev. Jeff Harris?
Rev. Jeff Harris was born in Pennsylvania and raised in Delaware. He accepted Christ as Savior at the age of 16. Jeff met his now wife, Gloria, when she came to his church as a Summer Missionary. They were married in 1976 after moving to Kentucky. Jeff worked in retail sales and management before being called to Pastoral ministry in 1993. After graduating from Clear Creek Baptist Bible College in 1996, he served at Parkway Baptist in Evans, GA for 13 years and Calumet Baptist in Liberty, SC for 12 years. He retired in July, 2021 and moved to Thomson to be closer to family. Jeff and Gloria have three sons, Jeffrey Jr. (Susan), David (Kim) and Landen and four grandchildren, Peyton, John, Cole and Mason.
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