Inside: Dr. Leonard Dupree, Using Realm, CHAMPS, Baskets for Safe Homes, Ministry donation, Children and Youth Events and more!

Dr. Leonard Dupree, long-time pastor, interim pastor, and pastor emeritus of First Baptist Church in Thomson, Georgia, is now enjoying his heavenly reward. All who knew Dr. Dupree know how faithfully he served his Lord and Savior, and how he leaves behind a living legacy that has impacted untold lives for eternity. He has run the race, finished the course, and fought the good fight in a way that serves as an example to us all. All are invited to join us as we celebrate his life and legacy.
Visitation will be Sunday March 6 at 1:30 in the atrium. The funeral will follow at 3:00 in the sanctuary.
The service will also be live streamed on our FBCLive page.
Using Realm -- our online church membership database!

It's been a while since we've pointed this out to everybody -- just a reminder about our online membership database called Realm. This is where we keep everybody's contact information up-to-date, keep up with your Sunday School classes and committees, and even give you access to your giving information.
Many of our committees use Realm to quickly communicate with one another and share information. One of the things we like most about Realm is how easily you can set your own privacy settings. Are you willing to share your phone number with church members? With just your Sunday School class? With just the pastors? You can make that decision for yourself!
If you do not currently use Realm and you would like to, please contact Matt Ward ( and he can send you an invitation!

Basket Packing for Safe Homes
Saturday, March 26, 10:30 a.m.
Craft Room
Please come and help us! Baskets are donated to Safe Homes in Augusta which is a shelter for women and their children who are victims of domestic violence. Additional items needed for the baskets are deodorant, razors, loofas, body wash, lotion, hairbrushes, shampoo and conditioner. Lunch will be served once we finish packing the baskets.

CHAMPS is a new ministry here at First Baptist! We are partnering adults with children in our church for the purpose of building relationships, and encouraging young families. Be watching for more information Sunday, and be open to the Spirit leading you to be a part of this ministry!

Mark your calendars! Sunday, March 20 immediately following worship the kids and youth will have a pizza and bowling event! Pizza will be served in the fellowship hall immediately following worship. They will then take a bus to Northside Lanes in North Augusta. Cost is $10. They plan to return around 5:00 pm. We will give you an opportunity to sign up when the event gets closer.
Triumphant Quartet

If you missed Friday's concert, you missed out. Triumphant is a talented group with a very wide range of music. We will be sure to have them back! But like we did with the Whisnants, you can expect to hear one of Triumphant's songs in the near future by the choir ...
In the meantime, you can always go to Triumphant's website and order t-shirts, music, and more!

Blood Drive Next Week!
The need for blood is urgent (as many of you know), so we invite all of you to come and give blood through the Shepeard Community Blood Center.
Thursday, March 10
1:00 - 6:00 PM
FBC Fellowship Hall
You can see on their poster that they will be giving away gift cards to random donors (not that you should need any more incentive to participate in this valuable ministry!). Be sure to pass this along to your friends.

March Ministry Donation
Individually wrapped, non-chocolate candy.
Please place candy in the blue bin in the atrium.

Join us Sunday as David preaches about the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper.