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What's Happening at FBC March 31


Inside: Israel Trip returns, Cornerstone Preschool Sunday was awesome, Basket Packing Party Success, an upcoming Spring Eggstravaganza, and more!


We Welcome Our Israel Travelers Home!

Shalom! What a wonderful experience we all had in Israel this past month! It was a new and exciting experience for me to lead a group of 14 other believers to tour the places where Jesus walked, taught, performed miracles, and finished His saving work for our redemption! God blessed us immensely with safe travels, beautiful weather, delicious meals, and negative COVID tests (the only thing I was ever really stressed about)! Even though half our group had a little trouble escaping the Miami airport, it didn’t overshadow the fun and fellowship, the wonders and worship we share on our trip.

We hope to find a Sunday evening this summer to present to you our experiences, allowing you to hear from others in the group who went, to share some pictures, and display some items. I also plan on taking another group to Israel in the future. If your interest is piqued, please let me know and I’ll put you down so that you’ll be among the first to know when we plan that second trip!

Boker Tov (thank you) for your prayers! Shalom!


Basket Packing for Safe Homes

Basket packing was a success last Saturday - our volunteers were able to pack 71 baskets for Safe Homes in Augusta! When women come to Safe Homes, they often have nothing more than the clothes on their backs. These baskets include hygiene products and toiletries, clothing essentials, a blanket, a Bible and more. This ministry does so much good for people in times of great need. Maybe next time you can come and help!


Cornerstone Preschool Sunday!

What a blast! So much happens behind-the-scenes to prepare for this day, and it was all completely worth it. We had a wonderful service celebrating our Cornerstone Preschool kids and their families, and they had a great time at lunch afterwards. We are so blessed to have this ministry at our church, and we say thank you to our wonderful teachers, our preschool committee, Mrs. Sammye, and everyone who helped. During the service we received $1,365.00 to allow us to better serve and love these families -- thank you for your generosity!

If you missed the opportunity to contribute to the Preschool, you can use Realm to give directly to our Preschool, or you can send it to the church office.


CHAMPS is a new ministry here at First Baptist! We are partnering adults with children in our church for the purpose of building relationships and encouraging young families. Be watching for more information Sunday and be open to the Spirit leading you to be a part of this ministry!


Thomson First United Methodist Church will be offering a GriefShare support group to the community. An introduction to GriefShare will be April 24 from 3:00-5:00 PM in their Fellowship Hall. They will then meet continuously on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month beginning May 8 from 3:00-5:00. Pre-registration is requested. You can do this online at or by contacting Karan Selezinka at 706-361-0610


March Ministry Donation

Individually wrapped, non-chocolate candy.

Please place candy in the blue bin in the atrium.

Because ...

This year, we aren't doing an Easter Egg Hunt the day before Easter; instead, we're excited to announce a kids' egg-stravaganza and community festival on the Saturday after Easter. We want to start putting this information in as many hands as we can, because this event is going to be a lot of fun for everyone!


Join us Sunday as Dr. David Lambert preaches on what we believe about the Kingdom of God.


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:


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