Inside: Complete Holy Week schedule, flowers needed for flowering cross, Young at Heart, Senior Adult trip, Women's Simulcast, and more...

Holy Week is upon us, and we hope that you will make plans to join us for some (or all) of our events:
Holy Week Lunches will take place Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 12:00-12:45 in our Fellowship Hall. We will enjoy lunch followed by a brief devotion. On Monday we will hear from Dr. Leslie Holmes, Lead Pastor at Thomson Presbyterian Church. Tuesday Dr. David Lambert will be giving the devotion, and Wednesday we will hear from Dr. Steve Dodson, Lead Pastor at Thomson First United Methodist Church. Lunch is free but donations are welcome. You will be blessed by this time of devotion and fellowship with other believers.
Note that there are No Wednesday Night activities on April 5, as this is also Spring Break Week.
Thursday is our Maundy Thursday Service with the Lord's Supper at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary. We will have nursery for this service.
Friday is the cross procession from our church to the Methodist church. We will begin with a brief service in our sanctuary starting at 5:30 PM and then walk to the Methodist Church. If the weather doesn't cooperate, we will still have a brief service in our sanctuary.
Sunday is EASTER! We will have the community sunrise service at 7:00 at Savannah Valley (weather permitting). Our first service will be at 8:15 AM followed by Sunday School at 9:30 and then a second service at 10:45 AM.
Whew, that's a lot! As busy as this week can seem, we pray that you will take time to join us and to slow down and reflect on Jesus' great love for us and this importance of these events we celebrate.

As is our tradition, we will be decorating the cross with fresh flowers in both services. Please bring fresh cut flowers with you to church on Sunday morning.

Join us for Young at Heart on April 11! Chase Beggs will be this month's speaker. The cost is $8 and the deadline to sign up is April 6 at noon.

Our senior adults are taking a trip to Hillcrest Dairy Farm on April 18 and then having lunch together afterwards. Hillcrest is Georgia's first robotic dairy farm and is a really interesting place to tour. You can call the church office to sign up. Deadline to RSVP is April 14.

Lifeway Women's Simulcast
Saturday, May 6 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Join us for a day of worship and teaching from Lifeway authors Jen Wilkin, Jennifer Rothschild, Jada Edwards, Kristi McLelland, Elizabeth Woodson & more.
Tickets are available for $10 each. The $10 includes breakfast, lunch, and other goodies.
Purchase your tickets in the church atrium following Sunday morning services OR at the church office during the week. For more information, please call the church office at
(706) 595-4252. Click the link below to watch the video!

We only have FOUR tickets left for this event. Sign up today!
Join us for an Atlanta Braves game on Thursday, July 20 followed by a Concert by For King and Country. Tickets are $25 and include admission to the game as well as a field pass for the concert. Space is limited, so RSVP soon by texting or emailing Christy (706-466-9968, We will also have sign-ups on the connect card on Sunday.

Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
Or, just click on this link: