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What's Happening at FBC May 12


Inside: Missions Night Recap, Preschool Advancement TONIGHT, Graduate Recognition Sunday, Baptism Sunday, Summer Kickoff, and more!




Thursday Night, May 12 at 6:00 PM we will have our Cornerstone Preschool Advancement ceremony. This is such an impactful ministry for our church. Everyone is invited to join us as we celebrate the end of the school year for these kids and teachers!


TeamKid and TinyKid Celebration!

Last night we had a great time celebrating all that the kids have learned in TinyKid and TeamKid this year! The adults were able to experience all that the kids do every Wednesday night. (A typical Wednesday night for the kids includes a time of Missions, Bible Study, Singing, and Games.) These programs will kick off again in the fall on August 10.

While we're on the subject, please thank a prayer of thanksgiving for our church members who have made our Wednesday night children's ministries so great. They are a blessing to us all!


Sunday, May 15 is our graduate recognition service (10:45). We hope that you will attend this special service for our Graduates. Be in prayer for them and their families as lots of transitions are ahead.


There will not be any Wednesday Night Activities May 18. (Except the adult choir will still meet at 7:15 PM. Take it up with Matt.)

The end of the school year is a hectic time for our families, and we want to give the space and time they need to wrap up the school year. We will kick off our summer programs May 25! See below for details --


Our Summer Wednesday Night Activities Kick Off on Wednesday, May 25. Our Kids Events are for kids who have completed grades K4-6th Grade. Younger kids will relax in the comfort of our nursery ministry space. A few of our events will require an RSVP, so be on the lookout for those signups either online or our Sunday morning connect card!


On Wednesday Nights this summer our adults will be watching and discussing season two of The Chosen together. Join us at 6:00 on Wednesdays this Summer!


On May 29 we will have a special baptism service. Whether you have been a follower of Jesus Christ for a long time or are a new believer who has never followed your profession of faith with believers' baptism, we would invite you to be a part of this service. Please contact the church office for more information.


Vacation Bible School

June 19-23; 6-8:30 PM

Family Night, June 24; 6-8:30 PM

VBS is just around the corner! Preparations are well underway for this exciting week!

Be watching for registration to open next Sunday (May 22).

We will also have a list of items you can donate to VBS if you're looking for a way to help out.


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:


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