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What's Happening at FBC -- Newsletter for November 4, 2021

Writer: mwwmww

This Week at FBC: 5th Quarter, Veterans Day, Operation Christmas Child, Foster Care Tree


5th Quarter for youth!

Friday, November 5


9:00-11:45 PM

Food, Games, S'mores


Join us Sunday as we honor our Veterans!

Veterans are invited to wear their uniforms.


Operation Christmas Child Boxes available this Sunday!

FBC Collection Date: November 14

CSRA Collection Dates: November 15-22


A huge thank you to those who participated in our Trunk or Treat!


Our Foster Care Angel Tree will be up Sunday, November 7. Stop by the atrium after church to select a name.


Join us for our budget presentation dinner

Sunday, November 14

6:00 PM

Dinner will be soup and sandwiches

Nursery Provided


EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION is now open for the 2022 Upward Basketball Season at FBC Thomson! Ages K5 - 5th grade. Find more info and register online at


Monthly Ministry Donation: November

Canned Food for Manna

Fruit cocktail, Jiffy Cornbread mix, Stovetop stuffing, chicken broth, candied yams/sweet potatoes, green beans, corn cranberry sauce, turnip greens, sugar

Please place your donations in the blue bin in the atrium.


Now that we’ve come to the crucifixion in our Sunday morning sermon series, to the moment for which Jesus was born into this world, who Jesus is becomes even clearer. We will look through the eyes of three different people who witnessed Jesus’ death on the cross and learn to see clearly who that man on the Cross truly is.



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