Inside: We have much to be thankful for and MUCH to look forward to. Take a look...

Remember that Daylight Savings time is Sunday! To everyone without kids, enjoy your extra hour of sleep 😊
Wow! The last couple week have been wonderfully busy with all kinds of events, service projects, and opportunities to fellowship.
On October 22, the youth had a movie night at the Tarver's that included the irresistible combo of smores and fun.
On October 23, the TinyKid and TeamKid choirs sang in worship, we had a chili fundraiser after church for the youth (we raised around $1,400 -- thank you!), and we packed backpacks for kids in West Virginia. Phew!
On October 26, the youth fed the football team and had a devotion with them after their practice, and our TeamKid students went to Manna to help will all kinds of things.
On October 29, we hosted a women's conference. Over 70 women came together to fellowship, worship, learn about missions, and be encouraged.
So many exciting things have happened and continue to happen in the life of our church! And there's even more to come in the months of November and December. We want you to be a part of it. When you see upcoming opportunities to serve, please pray how God wants you to be involved.

Ben has put together this wonderful resource for us to use during the month of November - help your family thank God for all of his generous gifts to us. Printed copies of the calendar are available on the Faith@Home Center in the Atrium.

This Sunday, November 6, we will celebrate 10 years with David as our Lead Pastor. Everyone is invited to join us for lunch in the Fellowship Hall following morning worship. Please plan to stay and celebrate all the ways God has used David to lead our church and to pray for the ways that God will continue to lead him as he leads us.

Don't miss your chance to register your kids for Upward Basketball. Upward is for kids K5 - 5th grade. Find more info and register online at
Evaluations will take place Monday, November 7 and Thursday, November 10.

FBC Christmas Ornaments
The last day to order ornaments and prints is Sunday (November 6)!
Ornaments: $10
5x7 Prints: $15
8x10 Prints: $20
This fundraiser is to help offset the cost of kids camp this summer!
Place your order in the atrium after church, by emailing Christy at or calling the church office at 706-595-4252. We are so excited about these ornaments and hope that you will be too!

We are now casting for Drive-Thru Nativity. As you know, this event takes the help of so many people. If you are interested in Acting, Setup, Food, or Parking please contact Paige Boutwell to sign up. We will also have signups in the bulletin soon.
Phone: 706-699-2138

The GBC is celebrating its 200th Anniversary and the meeting will be in Augusta! If you are able, plan to attend some (or all) of the events November 13-15. You will be encouraged through worship, missionary testimonies, messages, and reports of what the Lord is doing in Georgia and around the world! For more information and to see the schedule, click here:

Operation Christmas Child is here and the deadline to turn boxes in is fast approaching! On Sunday, November 13 we will be collecting boxes in morning worship. Bring your boxes to the sanctuary and put them in the aisle at the end of each pew. During the children's sermon time the kids will bring all the boxes to the front. Our church is also a regional collection site for the community. If you can help with this at one of the times listed in the graphic above, please call the church office!

Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
Or, just click on this link: