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What's Happening at FBC September 1


Inside: Preschool open house, Gatlinburg mission trip, chairs are almost gone, Manna Volunteers, Pandora charms, monthly ministry donation


The Thomson YMCA was very grateful to be able to use a bunch of our wooden chairs for their after school programs. We still have a few left, but not many! As a reminder we are asking for a $10 per chair donation.


TONIGHT is our Cornerstone Preschool open house. The first day of school will be Tuesday, September 6. Please be in prayer for our director Laura Wall, the teachers, and students as they begin this year!


Be in prayer for our youth and adult leaders as they prepare to travel to Gatlinburg over Labor Day weekend. They will be working with Smoky Mountain Resort Ministries to lead worship services in campgrounds as well as completing some projects around the ministry house.


We received a letter this week from Manna thanking our church for our partnership and support. Our church partners with Manna through prayer, devotions, financial support and volunteers. Thank you to Sarah Ward, Marjorie Barnett, Catherine Varnadoe, and Tamara Hammond who regularly give of their time to help at Manna. Manna can always use more volunteers. If you're interested, you can give them a call to set up a time. (706)595-3138


Holley Jewelers is pleased to announce the presentation of the FBC Thomson, GA Pandora charm. This charm is unique and displays the rich legacy of this outstanding church with its vibrant colors and the cross centered as its focal point. On the other side is a name synonymous with the town of Thomson itself because of the pride its people have in this church and all for which it stands. You can call 706-595-1245 and reserve one of these fine treasures or you can visit our website at and submit your pre-order.


Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.

Or, just click on this link:


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