Inside: Mission Georgia offering update, special donation drive for Manna, and info about a bunch of upcoming events.

Given To Date: $1,935.00
This year, we set a goal of $3,500 for the Mission Georgia offering. We are halfway to our goal, but we are almost done with the month. Please consider making a donation to this offering that helps Baptist churches around our state meet the needs that are bigger than one church can handle. Learn more: Home - Georgia Baptist Mission Board (
Special Thanksgiving Drive for Manna

Every year, Manna gives Thanksgiving meals to families in need. They have asked our church to donate chicken broth. We are going to modify our normal monthly "Blue Bin" donations for the month of October to include chicken broth. Please bring this donation before the end of October so that Manna has enough time to assemble the Thanksgiving meals.

This Wednesday (9/27) is the annual See You at the Pole gathering for student prayer. Please contact Ben if you aren't sure what your school is doing.

Our youth Disciple-Now weekend is approaching! Friday-Sunday October 13-15. Contact Ben for all of the details.

Please make sure your calendar has our Thomson Camelia City Festival on October 21. This community event takes place at the government complex, and plenty of our church members are involved in one way or another. Come on out, rep your First Baptist shirt, and let our neighbors know that we are here for them. If you want to help at the church's booth, please let the office know.

Our own 2023 Fall Festival isn't far behind. We hope you plan on bringing your family! We will need help with face painting and games. Also, as a part of the Fall Festival, we will have a "cruise-in" (a car show without the judging). If you want to bring your car, use the connect card on Sunday or contact the church office.

Our Firm Believers exercise class is back! 5:15-6:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mats and weights are provided!

Looking for this week's bulletin and sermon notes? You can find them on our website! Go to the page MyFBC / FBCLive -- you can find that on our menu at the top or on our sitemap at the bottom of each page.
Or, just click on this link: