If you want to send your kids to camp this summer, send them to Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Church! They'll have fun, make friends, learn songs, play games, exercise their brains, and all in a safe, Christian environment. Here's a typical evening at our VBS:

This year, our kids will learn
God is a friend who is real.
God is a friend who loves.
God is a friend we can trust.
God is a friend forever.
God is a friend for everyone.
Does that sound good for kids to know? They should come to our VBS!​

Preregistration is available through the day before VBS starts! But don't worry -- if you're just seeing this and missed preregistration, you are welcome to show up on Sunday, June 10 (but please come early so we have time to get all of the necessary information about your child). But it REALLY HELPS US if you register ahead of time.